Preaching Passion Comes From A Commission

Preaching Passion Comes From A Commission

We are in a series of posts on preaching with passion.  The beginning of this series is here.  In this post we are going to see that preaching passion comes from a commission to be a preacher.

What’s A Commission?

A commission is defined like this in the Miriam Webster Dictionary:

: a formal written warrant granting the power to perform various acts or duties
: a certificate conferring military rank and authority
also : the rank and authority so conferred
received a lieutenant’s commission in the army
: an authorization or command to act in a prescribed manner or to perform prescribed acts : CHARGE
a commission to serve as notary public

In other words, someone who acts with a commission acts with authority, as well as with a sense of representing the one who commissioned them.  The President of the United States, for example, commissions cabinet members to act on his behalf in various ways.  They are charged with responsibility and authority.

Now think of this in terms of your call to preach.  I have had the privilege of serving three different church over a ministry that spanned 40+ years.  In each church I was commissioned for the work.  I answered questions before the congregation that indicated that I would present God’s word to them as HIS representative.

Think of that!  If you have that sense, it will created a sense of passion.  Preaching passion comes from a commission by God.

Commissioned by God

I like the way D. Martyn-Lloyd Jones put it years ago:

A preacher is not a Christian who decides to preach, he does not just decide to do it; he does not even decide to take up preaching as a calling.  (Preaching and Preachers, p. 103)

Rather, it comes with a sense of the authority of the Holy Spirit calling us to it.  It is God’s calling.

I have to admit that I don’t always feel this sense of authority.   It is most keenly felt when I spend the time reflecting on the fact that the message that I am going to give is God’s message to a group of people for that day.

I remember when I first felt this sense of responsibility, authority and passion.  I was in seminary at the time, just learning to preach.  For the first time, I was going to preach to a congregation where I knew quite a few of the people.  I was caught up in what they would think of me as I prepared–not what they would think of God.  Then, as I was going through the message that I was going to present, I got excited by what I was sharing.   That morning’s sermon was a reminder of God’s promise to be with us, whatever we are going through.  A sense of excitement came over me, and that day began a quest for me to experience that sense of being God’s representative each time I preach.  Preaching passion comes from a commission, and especially a sense of being God’s representative.

How To Experience A Sense of Commission In Preaching

Here are some basic guidelines in how to cultivate a sense of commissioning.

  • The Forest Gump Principle.  Forest has a wonderful quote in the movie that should inspire us as we approach a particular sermon.  He said, ““Momma always said. ‘Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’”  This is a good place to start.  As you read through the passage, do it with an eye toward the box of chocolates.  What rich idea from God is in this passage?  Ask God to quicken your senses.
  • Pray through the passage or topic that will serve as the source of your message.
  • Pray for the Spirit to use you.
  • Remind yourself that God is working in the people in the congregation as well.  He wants to use what you say to impact their relationship with him.
  • Prepare with confidence that God has commissioned you to speak on his behalf.  So speak with authority and confidence.
  • Celebrate the opportunity God gives you to preach.  Believe God’s promise that his Word will not return to him void.

You can experience passion in preaching.  Preaching passion comes from a commission from God himself.  Believe it and revel in it!