Acts 2:17     “‘In the last days, God says,

I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your young men will see visions,

your old men will dream dreams. 

Christian Leaders Institute has made this effective preaching blog for you to grow in your preaching calling.

This blog is being migrated to the Christian Leaders Institute website for more global exposure. Some Articles will stay at this site until they are migrated.

Dr. Bruce Ballast leads this site. He will offer resources, commentary, links, blogs, and vlogs that will help you make your act of preaching not just thrown together, but an art portrait that touches the heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Bruce Ballast has been recognized as a preacher who has mastered both the techniques and the art of preaching ministry.

Looking for Free Ministry Training? Join Christian Leaders Institute today and start your classes. After you finish a getting started class, you are free to enroll in preaching and communication classes.

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Recovery Is Necessary After Preaching

Recovery Is Necessary After Preaching We turn now from the idea of using humor in your preaching, to something that isn’t funny at all. Recovery after preaching is necessary after preaching a sermon or sermons. Charles Spurgeon, the famous London preacher, began a school for preachers.  The title of one of his lectures gave me […]

Humor Makes A Memorable Sermon

Humor Makes A Sermon Memorable If you are new to this blog, please review the previous posts about making a sermon memorable.   In the last few posts we’ve focused on humor as a key strategy in making a message memorable.  In this post we will continue to explore how humor makes a sermon memorable […]

Using Humor Well For A Memorable Sermon

Using Humor Well For A  Memorable Sermon In this series of posts we have been considering how to make a memorable sermon.  The last post introduced humor as one strategy to create memorable sermons.  In this post we’ll consider using humor well for a memorable sermon experience.  Humor in a sermon is not for everyone. […]

Humor Can Make A Sermon Memorable

Humor Can Make A Sermon Memorable We’ve been reflecting on how to make a sermon memorable in the past several posts.  Humor can make a sermon memorable for your congregation.  But that brings up a question.  What do you think about laughter in church?  I remember the first time I saw this picture of a […]

Adding Color Makes The Sermon Memorable

Adding Color Makes The Sermon Memorable We are in a series of posts on how to make your message memorable.  Another strategy to this goal is that adding color makes the sermon memorable for the hearers. My wife and I watch a British comedy together occasionally called, As Time Goes By.   In one episode the […]