God Uses People Who Are Lowly and Despised
The Cross In The CenterGod Uses People Who Are Lowly and Despised
We are in a series of posts on what it means to keep the cross in the center of our preaching. This does not mean that we preach every week about the cross, but that we overall it is clear from our…

What We Learn From the Cross About Ourselves
The Cross In The CenterWhat We Learn From The Cross About Ourselves
In the last post we began the process of discovering what we learn from the cross about ourselves so that we keep the cross in the center of our preaching. We saw that the Apostle Paul made a…

Keeping The Cross In The Center
The Cross In The CenterKeeping The Cross In The Center
Recently I was looking through old sermons that I had preached a long time ago, and found one that I wanted to share with you. The title I gave it back in 2006 was, The Cross In The Center. In this post I…