Preaching on the Names of The Enemy

Preaching on the Names of the Enemy In the last post we reflected on knowing your enemy.  There's another way to get to know the enemy.  Preaching on the names of the enemy will reveal something of how he works in our lives and in the world.…

Knowing Your Enemy

Knowing Your Enemy We've been considering spiritual warfare and how to preach about it in your church.  Here's the first in the posts on that subject.  In this post we're going to consider that knowing your enemy helps in the fight against…

Preaching About The Spirit World

Preaching About The Spirit World In this post we are going to think about preaching about the spirit world to your listeners. We considered last time that there are two realities.   The story I shared in that post could be shared as an introduction…

Preaching About Spiritual Warfare

Preaching About Spiritual Warfare In the last several posts we gained inspiration (hopefully) from some of the masters of preaching from the past.  Here's the first in that series of posts.  I could go on with such quotes, but another subject…

Preaching About Hell But Only With Tears

Preaching About Hell But Only With Tears We've considered several inspirational quotes from people who have mastered preaching.  Here's the first in that series of posts. The new quote for consideration today is this one, by Dwight L. Moody.…

Confronting The Angry Preacher In Me

Confronting The Angry Preacher In Me Many years ago I had the practice of taking a walk on Sunday morning to go over the message I was going o preach in a few hours.  It was California, so the weather was usually cooperative.  On one of those…

Inspirational Quote from Soren Kierkegaard

Inspirational Quote From Soren Kierkegaard If you regularly follow this blog, you'll know that we are seeking inspiration from masters of the art of preaching.  The first two, John Newton and John Wesley, preached during the 18th century.…

Learning From The Masters

Learning From The Masters In the last post we considered a quote from John Wesley, one of the master preachers of the past.  We continue the theme of learning from the masters of preaching in history in this post.   We consider today a quote…

Inspired By The Masters

Inspired By The Masters In the past few posts we considered the importance of having prayer support if you are a preacher.  Today we turn to the theme, "Inspired by the Masters of preaching.   Recently, I came across the blog of another…

The Personal Prayer Supporters Of The Preacher

The Personal Prayer Supporters Of The Preacher We've been looking at the importance of having people pray for you, the preacher.  We've considered Paul's requests for prayer support, as well as looking at the various levels of prayer supporters…