Preaching About the Breastplate of Righteousness

Preaching About the Breastplate of Righteousness We are considering how to go about preaching on Spiritual Warfare.  Here’s a link to the first post in this series.   In this series we are focusing on the defensive weapons that are mentioned…

Preaching About the Belt of Truth

Preaching About The Belt of Truth In the last post we considered the strength of the Roman Army as Paul introduced the concept of spiritual warfare.  In this post we are going to look at the first piece of armor mentioned by Paul, preaching…

Preaching About The Weapons of Warfare

Preaching About The Weapons of Warfare The subject of spiritual warfare is where we are in this series of blogs.  You can find the beginning of this series at this link.  This post is going to begin a mini-series that focuses on preaching…

The Enemy Is The Father of Lies

The Enemy Is The Father Of Lies Wow!  This series of posts on Spiritual Warfare is getting much longer than I had originally intended.  For context, we've been considering a series of messages on this subject.  That's the general theme of…

The Enemy Is The Tempter

The Enemy Is The Tempter In the last post we began looking at this name of the Enemy: he is the Tempter.  Remember that we are in this series of posts on preaching about Spiritual Warfare.  One of the places we experience the enemy is in…

Preaching About The Tempter

Preaching About The Tempter In case you are new to this blog, we are considering how to preach about Spiritual Warfare in your church. Here's the link to the beginning of the series.  In this post we will consider how to go about preaching…

The Devil Made Me Do It

The Devil Made Me Do It We've been seeking to get to know our enemy.  Here's a link to the first post in this series.  We've already looked at several names for our enemy.  One of the most popular, of course, is to call him The Devil.…

The Enemy As Named By Religious Leaders

The Enemy As Named By Religious Leaders I had intended to complete the consideration of who our enemy is in the last post.  But...there are two other names that give us insight into the enemy as named by religious leaders in Jesus' day.  In…

Preaching On The Subject Of Spiritual Warfare

Preaching On the Subject of Spiritual Warfare In this post we are continuing the subject of preaching on the subject of spiritual warfare to your people.  Here is the first of those posts. This Present Darkness And The Subject of Spiritual…

The Enemy's Names For Preaching

The Enemy's Names For Preaching In the last post  we looked at some of the names of the Enemy.  These names show us what the evil one is up to.   In this post we consider more of the enemy's names for preaching in your church. Preach that…