Keeping Your Preaching Fresh Requires Time
We are at the beginning of a series of posts on how to keep your preaching fresh. Here's the first post in this series. Keeping your preaching fresh requires time for preparation. That's the… Ballast Ballast2024-01-16 14:42:372024-01-23 16:24:47Keeping Your Preaching Fresh Requires Time
Keeping Your Preaching Fresh
As noted last time, we have come to the end of the rather long series of posts on preaching about spiritual warfare. We turn now to a new subject: keeping your preaching fresh for your hearers.
A Story About… Ballast Ballast2024-01-09 16:13:432024-01-09 16:13:43Keeping Your Preaching Fresh
Preaching on Fasting As A Spiritual Weapon
This is my last post on preaching on Spiritual Warfare. If you are interested in reading all of the posts, here's the first in the series. Here is the first in the series that focuses on the weapons… Ballast Ballast2024-01-03 18:02:042024-01-03 18:02:04Preaching on Fasting As A Spiritual Weapon
Preaching on the Power of Prayer
We've been considering spiritual warfare over the past several weeks, especially focusing on the armor of God as our equipment for the fight. Now we turn to the subject of preaching on the power of prayer… Ballast Ballast2023-12-27 13:18:202023-12-27 13:18:20Preaching on the Power of Prayer
The Sword of the Spirit In Action
The Sword of the Spirit is the subject of the last two posts in this blog. We've seen what the sword is, and how Jesus used it when tempted by the Enemy. In this post we're going to see the sword of the… Ballast Ballast2023-12-19 16:55:282023-12-19 16:55:28The Sword of the Spirit In Action
Applying the Sword of the Spirit to Life
In the last post I introduced some of the basic truths about the Sword of the Spirit, the last piece of armor listed by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6. Applying the sword of the Spirit to life is… Ballast Ballast2023-12-13 15:11:592023-12-13 15:11:59Applying the Sword of the Spirit to Life
Preaching About the Sword of the Spirit
Up to this point in our consideration of the Armor of God we have looked at defensive weapons. The belt, the breastplate, the shoes, the helmet and the shield all are protection for us as we engage… Ballast Ballast2023-12-04 16:06:222023-12-04 16:06:22Preaching About The Sword of the Spirit
Preaching About the Helmet of Salvation
There's one more defensive weapon in our series of posts on the Armor of God. If you want to review, here's the first post in this series within the larger series on preaching about spiritual warfare.… Ballast Ballast2023-11-30 14:10:312023-11-30 14:10:31Preaching About the Helmet of Salvation
Preaching About the Shield of Faith
We are considering how important it is to preach about spiritual warfare. Here's the first in this series of posts. In this post we focus on what to keep in mind when you are preaching about the shield… Ballast Ballast2023-11-22 15:12:362023-11-30 13:17:15Preaching About the Shield of Faith
Preaching About the Shoes
If you are just joining this blog, you should be aware that we are in a series of posts on how to preach about spiritual warfare. In the last post we looked at the breastplate of righteousness, a key part of the… Ballast Ballast2023-11-17 13:29:342023-11-17 13:29:34Preaching About The Shoes
Keeping Your Preaching Fresh Requires Time
Keeping your preaching freshKeeping Your Preaching Fresh
Keeping your preaching freshPreaching on Fasting As A Spiritual Weapon
Preaching On Spiritual WarfarePreaching on the Power of Prayer
Preaching On Spiritual WarfareThe Sword of the Spirit In Action
Preaching On Spiritual WarfareApplying the Sword of the Spirit to Life
Preaching On Spiritual WarfarePreaching About The Sword of the Spirit
Preaching On Spiritual WarfarePreaching About the Helmet of Salvation
Preaching On Spiritual WarfarePreaching About the Shield of Faith
Preaching On Spiritual WarfarePreaching About The Shoes
Preaching On Spiritual Warfare