Make Your Message Interesting
You have to make your message interesting if you want it to be memorable. I've mentioned this many times before in this blog, as you can see from this post on illustrations, or this one on keeping your message… Ballast Ballast2019-04-04 00:32:102019-04-04 00:32:11Make Your Message Interesting
Notes or No Notes?
Are you a notes or no notes preacher? That’s the question for today’s post. In the last post we saw that it is helpful to have a map, or outline for your message. Now the question is how you lead people… Ballast Ballast2019-03-25 12:37:322019-03-25 12:37:34Notes or No Notes Preaching
Creating a map
In the last post we saw that one of the most effective ways of creating a sermon is to pick one point, one major idea that you are going to bring to people in a memorable way. … Ballast Ballast2019-03-16 15:20:232019-04-02 23:33:18Create a Map
One Point Preaching
John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy was one of the great speakers in the history of the United States. People still study… Ballast Ballast2019-03-05 17:07:122019-03-16 15:47:28Make One Point
In my last post, I listed three goals, or destinations for your sermon: to get knowledge into your hearers' heads, to get Christ-like living into their hearts, and to inspire them in difficult times.… Ballast Ballast2019-03-05 17:04:122019-03-05 17:04:12It's About Jesus
The last three posts have had to do with the introduction to a message. Now we turn to the body of the sermon. One of the secrets to having a successful sermon is to know where you are going with your message.… Ballast Ballast2019-03-03 18:40:242019-03-03 18:40:25Know Where You Are Going
We are considering how to "hook" people with good introductions to our messages. We've seen so far that a story will accomplish that. So will a shocking statement. Today we are exploring the fact that an intriguing… Ballast Ballast2019-02-24 20:58:432019-02-24 20:58:44An Intriguing Question Makes a Good Introduction
The in the last post, we began to look at the subject of the introduction to a sermon. We saw that a good story captures peoples' attention, and then serves as the gateway into the message itself. Today we are… Ballast Ballast2019-02-17 14:00:052019-02-17 18:49:48Shocking Truth Makes a Good Introduction
In the next series of posts we are going to look at how you go about developing a sermon. I will assume that you have done the basic work referred to earlier in this blog, things like defining the main point of a passage,… Ballast Ballast2019-02-10 21:57:012019-02-10 21:57:02Introductions Are More Important Than You Think
The title of this post is a famous quote by Phillips Brooks, a well-known preacher from the middle 19th century in the United States. It was in a series of lectures at Yale University that he gave this definition of preaching: Preaching is,… Ballast Ballast2019-02-02 21:53:272019-02-02 21:53:28Communication of Truth Through Personality
Make Your Message Interesting
Developing a sermonNotes or No Notes Preaching
Top Preaching TipsCreate a Map
Top Preaching TipsMake One Point
Developing a sermonIt's About Jesus
Developing a sermon, Top Preaching TipsKnow Where You Are Going
Top Preaching TipsAn Intriguing Question Makes a Good Introduction
Developing a sermon, Top Preaching TipsShocking Truth Makes a Good Introduction
Developing a sermonIntroductions Are More Important Than You Think
Developing a sermonCommunication of Truth Through Personality
Preparing to Preach, Top Preaching Tips