Shocking Truth Makes a Good Introduction

The in the last post, we began to look at the subject of the introduction to a sermon. We saw that a good story captures peoples' attention, and then serves as the gateway into the message itself. Today we are…

Introductions Are More Important Than You Think

In the next series of posts we are going to look at how you go about developing a sermon. I will assume that you have done the basic work referred to earlier in this blog, things like defining the main point of a passage,…

Communication of Truth Through Personality

The title of this post is a famous quote by Phillips Brooks, a well-known preacher from the middle 19th century in the United States. It was in a series of lectures at Yale University that he gave this definition of preaching: Preaching is,…

Learn to Speak In Pictures

      Speak in Pictures My grocery store has them.  So does the gas station that I use.  So does the restaurant where I occasionally lunch.  What am I referring to?  Screens--lots of screens.…

Questions to Ask

      Questions Before Preaching Another way to prepare to preach is to ask specific questions as you go through the preparation process.  In this post today I want to look at questions to ask…

Topical Preaching

Topical Preaching We have been looking at the subject of styles of preaching.  In the last post, we looked at an example pf preaching exegetically.  This week I want to turn our attention to topical preaching as a tool to prepare…

Preparing to Preach Illustrated

    An Example of Exegesis In the last post we looked at the subject of how you prepare to preach a sermon.  We considered the difference between Exegesis and Eisegesis, and considered a suggested pattern to be used.  In…

Prepare to Preach

    Prepare to Preach One of the secrets to turning the act of preaching into an art is to learn to prepare to preach powerful sermons.  In this post we begin a series on how to go about putting together a sermon.  There are…

Preach with Passion

      Make Sure You Preach With PASSION We've come to the end of our consideration of TULIP, the acrostic that describes the top tips for preaching.  We've seen that a good sermon addresses the needs of the…

Finding the Right Sermon Illustration Makes The Message

  The Right Illustration Makes The Message This is a truth: the right illustration makes the message when you are preaching. We've been looking at the subject of illustrating sermons in the last couple of posts, and today we continue…