Money Matters
In the last post I introduced this subject of how to preach about money matters in our sermon schedules. I began the subject by looking at why our congregations don't want us to preach about money, and we saw how people view… Ballast Ballast2019-11-02 00:49:152019-11-02 00:49:15Preach About Money Matters
Preaching About Money
I think most pastors cringe just a little bit when the subject of preaching about money comes up. We don't like to do it. Why? I suspect it is because we believe that people in the congregation don't want to hear… Ballast Ballast2019-10-25 23:49:282019-10-25 23:49:28Preaching About Money
People of Grace
We've been discussing in this blog how to preach to the culture around us. In the last post, I reflected on the culture of the United States as an example of how the church can get away from its central message of grace, and… Ballast Ballast2019-10-16 11:59:312019-10-16 11:59:31People of Grace
Preaching Grace
In the last two posts we began the discussion of how to preach Christ to the culture in which we live. We considered in the last post the various philosophies about how we should approach the culture. Today I want to share…
Christ and Culture
In the last post, we began a discussion of how to preach to a culture that either ignores Christ or, worse, is hostile to him. We continue today talking about how Christians should view Christ and culture and especially… Ballast Ballast2019-10-05 11:21:512019-10-05 11:21:51Christ and Culture
Preaching Christ to the Culture
Tim Keller has a chapter in his book, Preaching, with the title above. How do you go about preaching Christ to the culture when the culture doesn't seem to care?
Where I'm Coming From
I grew up during a… Ballast Ballast2019-09-28 10:01:532019-09-28 10:01:53Preaching Christ to the Culture
How to conclude your sermon
We've looked for several posts now at how to conclude your sermon well. This is the last post in the series, a conclusion to conclusions. We've seen a variety of ways to end a message effectively, from going… Ballast Ballast2019-09-20 13:56:492019-09-20 13:56:49How to Conclude Your Sermon
Ending Well
We have been considering the importance of conclusions. This link will connect you to the first post in this series. Today we continue with examples about how to conclude your messages effectively. Ending your sermon well… Ballast Ballast2019-09-14 22:08:472019-09-14 22:08:47Ending Your Sermon Well
Try This Kind of Conclusion
In this post I'm going to continue reflecting on conclusions, a subject we started a couple of posts ago. I'm going to give you some examples and encourage you to try this kind of conclusion in each case.
End… Ballast Ballast2019-09-04 10:00:102019-09-04 10:00:10Try This Kind of Conclusion
Effective Conclusions
We have been exploring the importance of conclusions in previous posts. We've seen that there are many ways to do conclusions ineffectively. In this post we are turning our attention to how to bring your sermon to…
Preach About Money Matters
preaching about moneyPreaching About Money
preaching about moneyPeople of Grace
Preaching Christ to the CulturePreaching Grace
Preaching Christ to the CultureChrist and Culture
Preaching Christ to the CulturePreaching Christ to the Culture
Preaching Christ to the CultureHow to Conclude Your Sermon
Top Preaching TipsEnding Your Sermon Well
Effective ConclusionsTry This Kind of Conclusion
Top Preaching TipsConclude Effectively
Effective Conclusions