How You Talk When You Preach

How You Talk When You Preach I remember well my first week in seminary.  I was overwhelmed with a lot of homework on subjects that I had little exposure to up to that point in my life.  There were 3 hour classes, too.  And I realized that…

Grab Their Attention

Grab Their Attention If you are new to this blog, know that we have been looking at what we can learn from television that will improve our preaching.  You can catch up by reading the posts that begin with this one.  We looked at the fact…

Choosing Your Target Audience

Choosing Your Target Audience In the immediately previous posts we've been looking at things we can learn from television that will improve our preaching.   One of the things television does well is to target a certain audience.  So, how…

Who Are You Talking To?

Who Are You Talking To? In the last couple of posts we have been exploring what we can learn from the way people in television produce their programs.  We've seen that television is king in our culture; it is where people get their news, and…

Focus On Your Audience

Focus On Your Audience You need to focus on your audience as you preach; that's the lesson of today's post.  However, if you are going to do this well, you need to know who your audience is.  To whom do you preach?  In a previous post on…

Television Is King

Television Is King In the last post on this website I introduced the topic of what we can learn from television that can help our preaching.  Stop preaching and start communicating was our theme.  In this post we continue this subject by…

Stop Preaching and Start Communicating

Stop Preaching and Start Communicating In the last couple of posts I explored methods that will help you preach to your whole congregation, to relate to the variety of people in it.   With this post we're going to change gears, and explore…

Preaching to Everyone in the Congregation

Preaching to Everyone in the Congregation In the last post we began looking at the challenge of preaching to everyone in the congregation that is varied by education, by ethnicity, by age, by financial situation, etc.  How do you do that?…

Preaching to Everyone In Particular

Preaching to Everyone In Particular One of the greatest challenges I faced in preaching was to relate to my entire audience, or, as the title of this post describes, "preaching to everyone in particular". In the last congregation I served,…

The Preacher As Mystic and Shepherd

Mystic and Shepherd I am in a series of posts on the character of the preacher.  We've seen, in the previous two posts, that congregations expect their pastor to be a person of faith, and they want their pastor to give accurate information.…