The Opportunity for Preaching During Lent
It is time to turn from the theme of preaching and politics. We are, as I write this post, in the season of Lent. In this post I will look at the opportunity for preaching during lent in your church.
What… Ballast Ballast2021-03-03 14:37:422021-03-03 14:37:42The Opportunity for Preaching During Lent
When It's Time To Preach Disobedience Against the State
In the past few blogs we have looked at preaching and the politics of Jesus, preaching and the politics of Peter, and preaching and the politics of Paul. Today we are going to look… Ballast Ballast2021-02-22 22:24:412021-02-22 22:24:41When It's Time to Preach Disobedience to the State
Preaching and the Politics of Paul
In the last few posts we have looked at the politics of Jesus and the politics of Peter, and examined what those mean for our preaching. In this post I want to look at preaching and the politics of Paul… Ballast Ballast2021-02-17 13:56:522021-02-17 13:56:52Preaching and the Politics of Paul
Preaching and the Politics of Peter
In the last several posts we reflected on preaching and politics. We've looked at the politics of Jesus, as well as the priority of preaching the Gospel. Today we will consider preaching and the politics… Ballast Ballast2021-02-10 13:38:272021-02-10 13:38:27Preaching and the Politics of Peter
Preaching Jesus in a Politically Charged World
In the last couple of posts we began to explore how to preach about politics. In this post we continue that subject as we consider how to go about preaching Jesus in a politically charged world… Ballast Ballast2021-02-01 21:44:252021-02-01 21:44:25Preaching Jesus In A Politically Charged World
Preaching About the Politics of Jesus
In the last post we started reflecting on preaching on politics. In this post we are continuing to consider preaching about the politics of Jesus in our church.
Jesus And First Century Politics
Obviously,… Ballast Ballast2021-01-26 20:43:282021-01-26 20:43:28Preaching About the Politics of Jesus
Preaching About Politics
Our world is more and more divided by political ideology. How do you go about preaching about politics in such a climate? Should you preach about politics at all? That will be the subject of the next couple of… Ballast Ballast2021-01-19 16:53:532021-01-19 19:24:35Preaching About Politics
Preaching About Creating Beauty This Year
We've looked at some themes that are impactful as you preach into the new year. In this post we'll look preaching about creating beauty this year in your sermon schedule.
What Is Beauty?
In the… Ballast Ballast2021-01-11 20:29:232021-01-11 20:29:23Preaching About Creating Beauty This Year
Trusting God in the New Year
In the last post ,we considered that one of the priorities of the new year should be the filling of the Holy Spirit. Trusting God in the new year is another great theme for your preaching at this time of year.
There's… Ballast Ballast2021-01-04 20:51:592021-01-04 20:51:59Preaching About Trusting God in the New Year
Looking Ahead To A New Year
In the last post we considered some thoughts about how to look back at the past year. That is one part of preaching at the new year. The other aspect of preaching at this time is looking ahead to a new year… Ballast Ballast2020-12-27 20:50:062020-12-27 20:50:41Looking Ahead To A New Year
The Opportunity for Preaching During Lent
Preaching During LentWhen It's Time to Preach Disobedience to the State
Preaching and PoliticsPreaching and the Politics of Paul
Preaching and PoliticsPreaching and the Politics of Peter
Preaching and PoliticsPreaching Jesus In A Politically Charged World
Preaching and PoliticsPreaching About the Politics of Jesus
Preaching and PoliticsPreaching About Politics
Preaching and PoliticsPreaching About Creating Beauty This Year
Preaching At The New YearPreaching About Trusting God in the New Year
Preaching At The New YearLooking Ahead To A New Year
Preaching At The New Year