Compassion Creates Motivated Preachers

Compassion Creates Motivated Preachers We are in a series of posts about how to keep your motivation as preacher.  Here is where you can connect with previous posts.   In this post we are considering how compassion creates motivated preachers…

Keep Calm And Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On Keep calm and carry on is a slogan that someone in England created before World War II.  Here's the Wikipedia introduction to their article on the background to this widely-known, oft-quoted slogan: Keep Calm and…

Christ's Love Compels Us To Preach

Christ's Love Compels Us To Preach Christ's love compels us to preach the good news.  That's the theme for this post.  We have been discussing various reasons to remain motivated in our service of God.  If you're new to this blog, check…

A Sense of Duty Gives Motivation for Preaching

A Sense of Duty Gives Motivation for Preaching Motivation is important.  That's something that we have been looking at in this series of posts, starting with this one.  In this post, we're going to see that a sense of duty gives motivation…

The Attitude of Gratitude Provides Motivation

The Attitude of Gratitude Provides Motivation We are considering how to remain motivated to go on preaching and ministering.  Here's the first post in this series.  In this post we will reflect on the truth that the attitude of gratitude…

A Sense of Privilege Gives Motivation

A Sense of Privilege Gives Motivation As we saw in the last post, a compelled person has motivation to preach and minister.  A sense of privilege gives motivation to preachers as well.  What do I mean by a sense of privilege?  Many years…

Compelled to Preach as a Motivation

Compelled to Preach as a Motivation We are considering our motivation to preach and minister.  The last several posts dealt with negative motivations, ones that don't serve God or us very well.  In this post we turn to some positive, Biblical…

Motivations for Preaching Aren't Always Clear

Motivations for Preaching Aren't Always Clear By this point, if you are a regular reader of this blog, you may be wondering why you preach at all.  And, if you have examined your motives, as suggested, you probably have found the need for…

Longing for Intimacy as a Motivation

Longing for Intimacy as a Motivation So the need for approval and the desire for validation are wrong motivations for entering upon a preaching ministry.  Longing for intimacy as a  motivation for preaching is also a wrong.  We're going…

Another Wrong Motive for Preaching

Another Wrong Motive for Preaching In the last post we considered how some preachers need approval, and one of the ways they try to get it is to choose a public kind of work, like preaching, where people will tell them how good they are.  That's…