Advent Preaching About Help Is On The Way
We are once again making a turn in this blog. We've been looking at how to love your people as a means to better preaching. As I write this, the first Sunday of Advent is just around the corner.… Ballast Ballast2022-11-22 16:15:262022-11-22 16:15:26Advent Preaching About Help Is On The Way
How to Love Your People For Better Preaching
In the last post we saw that loving your people makes preaching better. In this post we consider how to love your people for better preaching in your ministry.
Let Them Know You Love Them
I've… Ballast Ballast2022-11-16 17:14:102022-11-16 17:14:10How to Love Your People For Better Preaching
Loving Your People Makes Preaching Better
It seems to be a rather obvious statement: loving your people makes preaching better and easier. But a question comes up rather quickly: how do you love the jerks? Your church has them, I'm sure.… Ballast Ballast2022-11-09 13:08:532022-11-09 13:08:53Loving Your People Makes Preaching Better
How To Build A Team Spirit
In the last post we looked at team spirit as a means to motivation for ministry. In this post we are going to consider how to build a team spirit in yourself and in your church.
A Common Vision Builds Team Spirit
I… Ballast Ballast2022-11-01 14:48:382022-11-01 14:48:38How To Build A Team Spirit
A Team Spirit Creates Motivation
In the last several posts in this blog we considered the challenge of remaining motivated. This post is the next to last one in the series. In this post we will reflect on the fact that a team spirit creates… Ballast Ballast2022-10-26 13:35:142022-10-26 13:35:14A Team Spirit Creates Motivation
Compassion Creates Motivated Preachers
We are in a series of posts about how to keep your motivation as preacher. Here is where you can connect with previous posts. In this post we are considering how compassion creates motivated preachers…
Keep Calm and Carry On
Keep calm and carry on is a slogan that someone in England created before World War II. Here's the Wikipedia introduction to their article on the background to this widely-known, oft-quoted slogan:
Keep Calm and… Ballast Ballast2022-10-12 15:44:092022-10-12 15:44:09Keep Calm And Carry On
Christ's Love Compels Us To Preach
Christ's love compels us to preach the good news. That's the theme for this post. We have been discussing various reasons to remain motivated in our service of God. If you're new to this blog, check… Ballast Ballast2022-10-04 15:44:462022-10-04 15:44:46Christ's Love Compels Us To Preach
A Sense of Duty Gives Motivation for Preaching
Motivation is important. That's something that we have been looking at in this series of posts, starting with this one. In this post, we're going to see that a sense of duty gives motivation… Ballast Ballast2022-09-26 20:03:532022-09-26 20:03:53A Sense of Duty Gives Motivation for Preaching
The Attitude of Gratitude Provides Motivation
We are considering how to remain motivated to go on preaching and ministering. Here's the first post in this series. In this post we will reflect on the truth that the attitude of gratitude… Ballast Ballast2022-09-20 12:46:172022-09-20 12:46:17The Attitude of Gratitude Provides Motivation
Advent Preaching About Help Is On The Way
Advent PreachingHow to Love Your People For Better Preaching
Top Preaching TipsLoving Your People Makes Preaching Better
Top Preaching TipsHow To Build A Team Spirit
Motivation For PreachingA Team Spirit Creates Motivation
Motivation For PreachingCompassion Creates Motivated Preachers
Motivation For PreachingKeep Calm And Carry On
Motivation For PreachingChrist's Love Compels Us To Preach
Motivation For PreachingA Sense of Duty Gives Motivation for Preaching
Motivation For PreachingThe Attitude of Gratitude Provides Motivation
Motivation For Preaching