Preaching Good News to Millennials

Preaching Good News to Millennials We explored in previous posts some keys to preaching to the Builder Generation, the Boomers, and Gen X.  In this post we move on to learn something about preaching good news to millennials in your congregation. Who…

Preaching to Generation X

Preaching to Generation X We are considering how to preach to the various generations in your church.  We've already looked at the Builder Generation and the Boomer Generation.  Now we turn to the subject of how to go about preaching to Generation…

Preaching To The Baby Boomers

Preaching To The Baby Boomers We are considering how to preach to the various generations in your ministry.  In the last post we looked at the preferences of the Builder, or Silent generation.  This post will focus on preaching too the baby…

Preaching to the Builder Generation

Preaching to the Builder Generation In the last post we began considering what it means to preach to the various generations that exist in your church.  In this post I will combine what is usually called the Builder Generation (born between…

Preaching To Include The Generations

 Preaching to Include the Generations In this post we are going to explore preaching to include the generations that make up your church. I recently reviewed the demographics of the church where I am serving as an Interim, or Transitional…

Preaching on Epiphany Sunday

Preaching on Epiphany Sunday Advent and Christmas are over, as of this writing.   Soon the New Year will be over as well.  Those are often subjects for preaching, as we have seen.  There is one more holiday during this season that you can…

Preaching At The Turn Of The Year

Preaching At The Turn Of The Year This post is being written in 2022.  Christmas is on Sunday this year.  We reflected in recent posts about preaching during Advent.  Today we turn to preaching at the turn of the year for our subject. Looking…

Preaching About Simeon's Song for Advent

Preaching About Simeon's Song for Advent So far in this series of posts we looked at 3 of the Christmas Songs found in the gospel of Luke.  You can find the first of them here.  My goal in these posts is to give you preaching material for…

Advent Preaching About The Angels' Song

Advent Preaching About The Angels' Song In the last post we looked at the song that Mary sang when she met Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist.  The angels sang a song as well.  In this post we're going to consider advent preaching…

Advent Preaching About Joy For Today

Advent Preaching About Joy For Today In the last post we began a reflection on the songs of Christmas that Luke records in his gospel.  We saw that the message of Zachariah's song was that help is on the way.  In this post we turn to the…