Christian Leaders Institute has made this effective preaching blog for you to grow in your preaching calling.
This blog is being migrated to the Christian Leaders Institute website for more global exposure. Some Articles will stay at this site until they are migrated.
Dr. Bruce Ballast leads this site. He will offer resources, commentary, links, blogs, and vlogs that will help you make your act of preaching not just thrown together, but an art portrait that touches the heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Dr. Bruce Ballast has been recognized as a preacher who has mastered both the techniques and the art of preaching ministry.
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Preaching When Tragedy Strikes
The Toughest SermonsPreaching When Tragedy Strikes If you’ve been preaching any length of time, you know what tragedy does to people. How do you go about preaching when tragedy strikes in your church or community? This post is the continuation of this series on toughest sermons you’ll ever preach. The first in the series is here. […]
The Toughest Sermons You’ll Write
The Toughest SermonsThe Toughest Sermons You’ll Write We turn now from what we can learn from advertising about the forms and content of preaching. The next several posts will be about the toughest sermons you’ll write in your career. Those sermons will be required during times of pain, suffering, disillusionment and doubt in the life of your […]
Creating Images Will Give Your Sermon Impact
Learning From AdvertisingCreating Images Will Give Your Sermon Impact We are considering how the world of Advertising can give us tips that will create greater impact for our sermons. The first of the posts in this series is here. In this post we will look at one more thing we can learn from advertising. Creating images will […]
Using AIDA For Your Sermonic Form
Learning From AdvertisingUsing AIDA for Your Sermonic Form In the last post we considered the AIDA form that advertisers use. You can get that post through this link. In this post we’ll consider what using AIDA for your sermonic form might look like. Remember that AIDA stands for grab attention, deepen interest, create desire, and call […]
Another Sermonic Form For Preaching
Learning From AdvertisingAnother Sermonic Form for Preaching If you are new to this blog, here’s where we are: We are in a series of posts with the overall theme of what we can learn from advertising to improve our preaching. In the last two posts we have considered the sermonic form, or how the sermon unfolds. In […]